In today's meeting, we try to answer the challenges raised by the "no travel" rule: how will the show be created in Lausanne if Jérôme is in Paris and Katie is in London? How will it then go on tour abroad if nobody is to travel from Lausanne?

Katie and Jérôme will rehearse through video with Lausanne performers to create and direct the prototype version of the shows in Vidy. This prototype will then be scripted: Katie, Jérôme and Vidy will write scores, describing in detail not only the performance itself but also all the steps that need to be taken to (re)stage it. These scores will be handed over to the partners, who will each choose a local director/choreographer to direct their own version of the shows.

Katie thinks we should have a scientific advisor to guide us through the literature about environment we would use in the shows. Someone who could challenge our points of reference and help us find more diverse voices than the ones we are naturally drawn to.

Watch Katie and Jérôme presenting this experimental touring model and expressing their wish to get help from scientists: